Metallurgical Lab
Hi-Tek has a met lab staffed with engineers that has decades of experience. Tests that are typically performed in the lab include failure testing, corrosion testing, chemical analysis, weld testing, and metallography
Thermal processes such as EDM, Laser, Material Joining, etc. have stringent requirements for such things as recast layer, heat affected zones, microcrack limits, etc.
In 1985, Hi-Tek realized the need to have an in-house Met Lab resource. Since then the equipment has been continually updated to stay on the leading edge of the process. Hi-Tek maintains appropriate Met Lab approvals from all our customers as required.

Metallurgical Lab

Hi-Tek Mfg. has a metallurgical lab capable of viewing, evaluating and documenting sample mounts from parts. The advantage to having these in-house capabilities is being able to provide almost immediate feedback to the manufacturing operations when developing new work scopes and setting machining parameters. Additionally, interruptions to production scheduling is minimized when process monitoring is required to fulfill material and significant process requirements. Sectioning, mounting, polishing, etching and evaluating are all part of the Hi-Tek lab offerings.